Our Why

Profitable Empires™ was founded by a mother-son team on a simple idea: to help multicultural leaders and businesses make a difference.

Dr. Linette Montae and DJ Nixon are on a mission to grow a marketplace filled with diverse brands that are not only successful in terms of profit but also influencing positive change within their community.

We believe in helping leaders create a legacy that goes beyond income and makes a real impact through…


We believe in upholding the highest levels of honesty, transparency, and accountability in our operations and relationships.


We believe in the power of shaping the industry, setting benchmarks, and leading by example.


We believe in striving for the highest quality in our services and in exceeding our clients’ expectations.


We believe in the value of pioneering innovation and continuous improvement, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.


We believe in creating meaningful and lasting impact in our clients’ businesses and in the wider community.


We believe in the importance of being happy, healthy, and wealthy, promoting harmony over balance and helping our clients live their legacy.

When you work with us, your brand’s success becomes our personal mission. Let’s build your empire together.

you’re not just a player.
you’re the one redefining the rules.

— Linette Montae

a message from Dr. Linette Montae

Profitability Strategist & Legacy Influencer® for women CEOs & Founders


Growing up during a time when women were barely seen and absolutely not heard… my outspoken wisdom was hushed on a daily basis.

By the time I left for college at 16-years-old, society’s message regarding a woman’s value was crystal clear… and in response, I “lowered my voice” and “dimmed my value”.

Throughout the subsequent 5 years as an employee and 35 years as an entrepreneur, I consistently witnessed…

  • women leaders passed over for promotions given to a less qualified colleague;
  • women-owned businesses overshadowed by competition with a lesser quality product or service; and
  • ownership of women’s thought-leader brilliance assumed by a less credible person.

Then, in 2020, I was shaken by the realization that the bias I experienced was based on gender and race.

Today, 4 things fuel my passion:

  1. Legacy. The thought that your purpose may remain unlived, unheard, and unfulfilled.
  2. Authority. The thought that your voice isn’t positioned to deliver the impact you desire.
  3. Mastery. The thought that you’re sacrificing happiness for society’s definition of success.
  4. Profitability. The thought that your wealth doesn’t align with your brilliance.

Although, I didn’t realize until several years in… Profitable Empires™ is more than a business for me.

Redefining the rules is my purpose. Transforming the present and impacting the future is my legacy!

it’s about becoming the trusted voice that influences decisions and fosters loyal relationships.

— DJ Nixon

a message from DJ Nixon

Trusted Perspective Advisor & Personal Brand Strategiest for Multicultural HNWI/UHNWI


Growing up amidst people of diverse cultural backgrounds, and having been fortunate to learn from extraordinary individuals whose experiences have profoundly shaped my life, I intimately understand how lack of representation and opportunity kills potential.

Perspective and context form integral parts of every underdog’s story, and I am passionate about crafting messaging that is authentic, inclusive, culturally relevant, and inspiring—empowering individuals to achieve against all odds.

I truly believe in the adage “What you see you become.”

Positioning multicultural thought-leaders is bigger than financial profit, it’s about investing in a future that embraces diversity, fuels success, and embracing the responsibility to leave an indelible mark on generations to come.

Profitable Authority™ and interculturalism hold immense significance for me.

My purpose lies in harnessing my influence for positive change and empowering others to elevate their game.

We Tailor Our Approach

The needs of your company are unique and cookie cutter approaches, rigid frameworks, and standard processes don’t fit.

To augment our core council, we assemble a customized consulting team, drawn from our collaborative network, to ensure we deliver the right skills, best strategies, and greatest value to our clients.


Human Resources






Risk Management


Health & Wellness


Human Resources






Risk Management


Health & Wellness