The results are in, and you’re a


Congratulations, you have a steady stream of sales. Being visible and credible to your ideal customer will increase your revenue, grow your market share, and develop a consistently converting sales process.

Now, it’s time to double down on visibility and marketing.

The CEO Builder faces three core hurdles:

Challenge #1: Underestimating product/service time to market.

Being prepared if something takes twice as long and costs twice as much will help keep your business (and your sanity) in tact.

Challenge #2: Failing to balance startup demands.

Establishing a customer base and market presence is just as important as tracking and conserving cash flow.

Challenge #3: Trying to build with limited money.

Focus on securing reliable money sources for ongoing business development.

As a CEO Builder, you are wearing all of the hats. And even if you’ve been able to outsource a role or two, you still have a lot on your plate.

Your biggest challenge is CONSISTENCY.

Your biggest need is REVENUE.

So what is my next step?

Builder is a pivotal stage to focus on retaining your current customer base and persistently making product/service offers to generate consistent revenue.

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InterCultural Voices™ Authority

We help multicultural CEOs, Leaders & Entrepreneurs scale their influence, impact and income.

With our signature Profitable Empires™ Framework, we position brands and leaders at the forefront of their industry, driving sustainable growth and profitability.


WE ARE CONNECTORS. We tailor your executive brand to showcase your thought-leadership, credibility, and industry expertise. Through media features, strategic networking, and compelling messaging… your brand becomes synonymous with influence and impact.


WE ARE STRATEGISTS. We re-engineer a thriving workplace where physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being are a top-down priority. Through a strong wellbeing program… your brand increases productivity, efficiency, and loyalty.


WE ARE GROWTH PARTNERS. We design an exceptional customer experience by identifying profit leaks, building leadership capabilities, and refining growth strategies to ensure that every aspect of your business contributes to your bottom line and long-term success.